Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nursing College Eid Mubarak Celebration 2008

Dance & Catwalk performance by Our Cute2 Junior Midwifery intake 2..few of them that i remember..zimah, cilia and Nurul...Lawa kmu menari ah...

Sabrina...with the latest Sony Digital Camera..

Hehehe...Guess Dimana we took this photo???

Concentrating on her food...

Hey..Taking Photo with My Colleques..

Mrs Yusri

Stage Performance..No Preparation..Just Go for it..End up..Not so Bad..hehehe..Bakat terpendam kali ah..

Our Table Menu..Menu of the Day..Murtabak Daging..

See..I've told you..Murtabak Daging Kan...Yum..Yumm..

Look at the Fruit Tarts...Nyman berabis...Crust nya Sweet jua..

Eh...Blind Shot while talking to Ayu..

Anna..Ayu..& Me..

Our Old Mate..Now..Teacher Asmah..Nice Lady wearing yellow..Helping to rearrange our performance